
The 5th GPIF Finance Awards Winner Announced

Feb, 28, 2022

The selection committee of academic advisors selected the winner as follows.


Taisuke Nakata

Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo

(Reasons for selection)

Associate Professor Taisuke Nakata has conducted high quality researches focusing on important and timely topics--including analysis on changes in monetary policy effects and effects of uncertainty to the economy under the zero-interest rate lower bound. He has consistently generated valuable research outputs which are expected to be well applied to the pension investment management practices.
In addition, he has recently worked on topics on the change factors of equilibrium yield curves under the zero-interest rate lower bound, which are expected to make further contributions to the field of finance.

(Member of selection committee)

Robert C. Merton Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences / The School of Management Distinguished Professor of Finance at MIT Sloan school of Management / Professor Emeritus of Harvard University
Josh Lerner The Jacob H.Schiff Professor of Investment Banking at Harvard Business School
David Chambers Professor of Finance at Cambridge Judge Business School of the University of Cambridge
Kazuo Ueda Professor of Kyoritsu Women's University / Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo / Former chair of GPIF Investment Advisory Committee
Yuri Okina Chairperson of the Institute at The Japan Research Institute, Ltd. / Member of Financial System Council
Tatsuyoshi Okimoto Associate Professor at Crawford School of Public Policy of Australian National University
Shinichi Fukuda Professor at the Graduate school of Economics of the University of Tokyo / Member of Financial System Council
Yasuhiro Yonezawa Professor Emeritus of Waseda University / Former chair of GPIF Investment Advisory Committee